AAUW Greater Naples Branch
Director for Communications
The Director for Communications shall:
- Have overall responsibility for internalandexternalcommunicationsandforpublicationsoriginatinginthe
- Chair the communications committee that may include assistants, such as a newsletter editor, web manager, social media chair and/or publicity chair. The Director for Communications will recruit the committee members, but they must be appointed by the president with the approval of the board or the executive committee.
- Develop a communications action plan with specific and measurable goals.
- Be responsible for:
- Updating on a timely basis the branch website.
- Publishing or distributing board and branch meeting minutes to the members.
- Issuing regular newsletters for the members.
- Issuing public communications advertising the public meetings and other activities of the branch.
- Maintain records of all communications issued by her and her assistants to the general membership.