Members/Board Description


  1. The President, Vice President/Program, and Secretary are elected by the membership, at the annual meeting, for a two-year term, or until successor is elected, in even numbered years.
  2. The Directors for Membership, Finance, and Communications are elected by the membership, at the annual meeting, for a two-year term, or until successor is elected, in odd numbered years.
  3. Appointed Officers are appointed by the President, with board or executive committee approval, for 2 years.
  4. All elected and appointed officers and the immediate past president serve, as voting members, on the Board of Directors.
  5. The President, Vice President/Program, Secretary, Director for Finance, and Director for Membership, and any additional directors designated by the board (currently the Director for Communications), serve as voting members, on the Executive Committee.

Duties and Responsibilities of the Board

  1. All power and authority of the Branch shall be vested exclusively in the Board of Directors, which shall manage and direct the affairs of the branch in accordance with AAUW bylaws and policies, the branch bylaws and policies, applicable laws and regulations, and the decisions of the members at the Annual Meeting.
  2. The duties of the Board of Directors, shall include, without limitation:
    • establishing such policies as may be necessary to ensure the financial health of the Branch, and ensure its compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, policies and ethical standards, including laws and regulations enforced by the IRS.
    • ensuring that records of all branch’s acts and financial transactions are kept.
    • approving budgets, financial plans and financial statements, and monitoring and ensuring the integrity of the branch’s financial reporting processes.
    • reviewing and approving material expenditures and transactions.
    • overseeing the branch’s activities and committees and taking whatever other action is necessary to manage the affairs of the Branch, including evaluating and amending its strategic plan.
    • promoting and supporting the mission of AAUW and the activities of the Branch.
    • establishing task forces and committees.
    • determining governance practices.
    • actively recruiting new members and engaging and encouraging existing members to be part of branch activities.
    • approval of the branch Public Policy initiatives.
    • be knowledgeable of the AAUW national fundraising and scholarship policies (AAUW Policies 501,502, and 600) and ensuring that the branch complies with AAUW national bylaws and policies, branch bylaws and policies, and applicable laws and regulations, including IRS regulations.
    • approval of fundraising events and projects for the branch.
    • appointing two branch members to serve on the nominating committee with the immediate past president.
    • Secure meeting space for the branch meetings.

Individual Board Member Responsibilities

  1. All board members are expected to attend all board meetings. Regrets should be sent to the President.
  2. All board members are expected to submit monthly reports to the board in advance of monthly board meetings.
  3. All board members should submit an annual report to the President in April.
  4. All board members should submit their budget proposal to Director for Finance by January 15.
  5. All board members should submit necessary calendar information to Director of Communications by August 15.
  6. All board members are encouraged to attend AAUW and AAUW Florida meetings/conventions/conferences.

All board members should have access to electronic communication.