Girls Count 2

AAUW Greater Naples Branch Served another 250 Local 5th-Grade Girls through its 27th Annual STEAM Girls Count Program in 2024 And Plans to Serve 300 in 2025!

Once again, STEAM Program Chair Charmaine Klein led the wonderful women of the AAUW Greater Naples Branch to deliver the annual STEAM program for local 5th-grade girls, called STEAM Girls Count, in 2024. This program is designed to inspire girls to pursue education and careers in science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics. Working with Collier County Public Schools (“CCPS”) and New Horizons, 250 local girls were served in 2024. The Greater Naples AAUW Charitable Foundation, Inc. supports the program, which includes:

    • Two STEM project kits/experiments to complete at home
    • The book, Girls Think of Everything, written and signed by Kathleen Thimmesh, about
      women scientists and inventors; and
    • Access to professionally produced videos of local women in STEAM careers and local
      women pursuing STEAM degrees, together with their biographies;
    • Safety goggles and feedback forms; and
    • Tote bags bearing the AAUW Great Naples Branch logo

95% of the girls said that the STEAM Girls Counts Program inspired them to want to learn more about STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) and STEAM careers.

Click to see the video CCPS produced about our STEAM Girls Count program:

We are deeply grateful to the generous donors for this program who made this program possible.  Thank you for investing in the futures of local girls!!